Campbell Soup

Hello Friends...Here are my thoughts


I Read this verse and wanted to post it somewhere, perhaps it will strike someone's chord!

"Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the cloud will not reap. As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things. Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that..." Ecclesiastes 11:4-6

Often I want to 'check out' at the end of the night after a long day of errands, mothering, cleaning, and life...but I think that it's not good to waste away in front of a tv and really important to pursue life to the fullest every minute of every day. For when else will we explore our passions, spend time with loved ones, and cultivate friendships if not when our work is done?

Schroeder family update: Lily is 9 months old, doing fabulous! We still live in Cincy and I'm pregnant again due this fall.
truckin along :)


Life has Changed

My husband and I have a 6 month old baby girl, Lily Joy.
She is the light in our life. Born Aug.26, 2006.
We are expecing another due at the end of Sept or Early October of 2007...
and here are family grows.
Current desires are to buy a house as we are expanding beyond our apartment and to plant some roots.
Yep settling down is a desire of ours, though our hearts will always be adventurous longing to travel and see the world!
I think we still will, even with our little family.
Cincinnati has treated us beautifully the past 2 years and for that we are so thankful.If you want to visit our baby blog, it's more up to date since I am a mom, it is an all consuming job of which is my pride, joy and time....go to

kisses in the wind to any who read this still...and if you'd like to reconnect because it's been forever since we last me!


free writing

O God, how truly good you are
Painting every night with starlight
Turning every tree's leaf
Caring so specifically for our hearts
O God, how good your are

I long for your goodness to embrace me
O God come and meet me here
How I want to behold the goose bumps
When the Holy Spirit is near

So many parts of myslef need you still to come and reign in me
Most of this world, like lions ignore you
And you send us out as lambs
But you are with us, always and we should never fear

How I hope for your thoughts to conquer mine
I wish for your words to be on my tongue
You say, "sing psalms to each other"
Yet I must admit it's hard to find a duet
A believing heart who is filled with your praise
Overflowing from heart to lips

I desire to be that river, exploding wildly your glorious ways
But I often feel bashful and small, like a puddle
Thinking I must stay small in you
I know I should grow bigger in you and through the most high, I can

O God show me how to hear your voice when it whispers gently in passing thought
How do I know if it's you or me that is taking on the part?
Discerning my steps with wisdom, only comes from you
Sweet Lord show me your grace that I may follow you

O God be with me so close that I can see your touch
and feel your heart pressing on me
how and who and what to love.


New Blog

It's been really really really too long of a time since I last posted.
Just wanted you to know that I've started writing in a different blog-check it out..

Blessings friends!


5 Weeks To GO!!!

Less than 5 weeks to go till Eric and I get HITCHED! WAHOO! The months went by quick. Now we'll see how these weeks fly. Well I went home and had both a bachlorette party, a bridal shower, engagement photos, and our marriage liscence! It's official, it's really happening, we are going to get married, I couldn't be happier! My bachlorette party consisted of dinner & drinks at Don Pablos, with me wearing so much cheesy bridal gear it was ridiculous...oh the veil and the sash that said "Miss Bachlorette" was enough to make sure it wasn't a "low key" evening. It was fun, then we went out dancing ~ which I love to do ~ and though no one was on the dance better believe my sister and I TORE IT UP out there. Just getting our feet ready for June 11th. It was a fun night, and I got to meet up with Eric, Jay and my brother in law Mike which was great. The bridal shower was really fun, great food, and an embarassing game where I had to chew a piece of gum everytime I answered a question about Eric wrong. Let's just say my mouth was full of Bubble yum. oops. The best part, I got some VERY exciting presents. I am back in Maryland after that wedding whirlwind, and working to do my part while Eric is at the office abut 24/7. I have never seen anyone work so much in my entire life...I'm really inspired by it, at the same time...I miss him a lot. The next time he's free is our wedding day I think. The light at the end of the tunnel no doubt. I am trying to figure out when to leave work, go home, spend time with my mom & family before the big day. It's a lot to do, I have a feeling the next few weeks will feel pretty surreal. God is so good to have blessed me with such an amazing thing.

I've been so refreshed by his presence lately, in my friendship with Laura...who is on her way to Africa as I write this. She's been some water to my soul, that's for sure. The Lashbrooks in Haiti, whom I just visited a few weeks ago in West VA, have been robbed again. If you read this, please pray that they have comfort and protection. They are always on my heart.

Well I must get back to work...tra la la...



I ran my first 5k, The Azalea Classic, and it was the fastest I've ever run 3.1 miles! My knee is fine and I'm gosh dang proud of myself! Eric ran it with me, he was a great coach!

The past few weeks have been quite a whirl wind I'd say. I had to go home last week for a family situation, I think things are okay now, but it definately was hard to see, my mom was sick and my nephews needed a care taker...thank the Lord for airplanes. Please keep my mom in your prayers...we hope she's fully recovered soon.

I went to a life seminar in Lancaster, PA...home of the Amish. Not really. But it was nice to see some farm, stars, and sky. Eric and I took a couples class- part of our pre-marital preparation...and I can honestly say I think we might be over prepared for this marriage bit. I mean c'mon, we've gotta walk on clouds a little and leave some room for surprises? It was really cool though, everyone there was older, including a couple who had been married for 37 years and divorced for one. They were working on communication. I really hope their hearts reunite.

Living in my house here in Maryland has been good, my roommates are super busy most of the time, we are all in and out. I'm starting to realize that my time left there is dwindling I seek out subleasers, I can't help but be a bit sad in less than 2 months I'll no longer live with girls. That's weird, considering I've had roommates since I was 18. Not including my sister when we were young. The upside, living with Eric will be a blast I'm sure!

I'm finally reading this book called Prodigal Summer, it makes me long to be outside.


oh march - better late than never

hello there...
since my last post my new ride is still great, and the old one is getting towed today. i had my 24th birthday on March 2nd! it's strange to have birthdays away from home. but ej took me to dinner and gave me some great being my very first frisbee! it's light blue with some sparkles in it...i've named it blueberry... and im now thouroughly enjoying it in the spring weather. i can't believe im 24, that sounds so old to me. i also went home to ohio, and ej's cousin nicole...who is amazing...threw me my very 1st bridal shower for his side of the family! it was really great, all these welcoming soon-2-be family members showering me with love and gifts...just for being in love and getting hitched! it is quite a sweet deal. although i've been to so many of these things, and i really couldn't believe this one was for me. i can't believe i am the's unreal! I also got to spend time with my family- so good.

work is's going alright, listening to people who have alcohol and drug addiction for 40 hrs a week can be draining sometime, but im thankful for the provision of a job. i do day dream though of figuring out how one can support themselves and work part time and still have insurance...maybe own my own coffee shop? a life long dream...
eric and i have really kicked in full gear trying to get wedding stuff done, thank goodness my mom and aunt are doing most of it...but we're having fun trying to make it how we want it.
we are really trying to figure out what our next step will be-where we'll move, work, live, church, we just pray God will show us the way. oh Matthew 6-don't worry!

I'll be running my first 5k next Saturday! I'm super excited about it! My acl isn't fully recovered yet, but what better way to heal than to have a goal in mind, right? I admit, it still hurts a lot and I hope it goes away by the end of the year. I'm trying to get into running though, because ej loves it so much, because it's good for me...its a great way to get outside!

I finished up my volleyball season with work...we only won 2 games the entire season...sad i know...but it was really fun. and i finally learned to serve well.

easter was great- we watched the passion on friday night - wow, how powerful. i still...cannot believe how much Jesus gave up for us, it's really good for the soul to see it acted out like that.
it reminds me of how much more growth i need be selfless in such a way.
on saturday we went running and watched lots of basketball- i was sad west va lost...i thought they were gonna win me the mula...and sunday ej and i went to church, then out to eat at a 50's diner near by, where i ate really good/but bad for you food. that was about it... and now i welcome April with open arms...